Partnership Board Photo Gallery

Partnership Board Photo Gallery [Best_Wordpress_Gallery gallery_type="thumbnails" theme_id="1" gallery_id="1" sort_by="order" order_by="asc" show_search_box="0" search_box_width="180" image_column_number="5" images_per_page="30" image_title="show" image_enable_page="1" thumb_width="150" thumb_height="150" thumb_click_action="undefined" thumb_link_target="undefined" popup_fullscreen="0" popup_autoplay="0" popup_width="300" popup_height="300" popup_effect="fade" popup_interval="5" popup_enable_filmstrip="1" popup_filmstrip_height="70" popup_enable_ctrl_btn="1" popup_enable_fullscreen="1"…

Partnership Board More Information

  More Information about the Partnership Board Terms of Reference       Board Meeting Dates 2018                           Board Action Plan for 2014 - 2015 Our Action Plan Priorities for…

Partnership Board Meeting Information

Partnership Board Agendas         Presentations from the Partnership Board Meetings Partnership Board Presentation - 11th March 2021 Partnership Board Presentation - 4th February 2021 Presentation for 4th July…

Partnership Board

The Partnership Board We are a group of people from lots of different places and in Leicestershire. We try and make sure that we listen to what people with learning disabilities say. We talk about the…